Using the tools of 21st century medicine – including genetics, cellular biology, molecular diagnostics and advanced imaging – Bascom Palmer researchers are poised to understand why the eye may become susceptible to disease and how biotechnologies may help to prevent these conditions.
About Our ResearchOur goal is to preserve the gift of sight - finding new ways to stop vision loss before it happens and halting the course of blinding disease.
Learn more about our researchers and their work.
Clinical research helps find new and better ways to detect, diagnose, treat, and prevent eye disease.
Laboratory research is essential for translating new discoveries into patient care for the treatment and prevention of eye disease.
Almost 40 clinical trials, clinical outcomes and epidemiology studies are ongoing at Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, and most are national multicenter projects.
Training of researchers is an integral component of our mission at Bascom Palmer Eye Institute. Our comprehensive research training program offers mentored training experiences. Short and long-term opportunities are available for trainees at all levels.