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Male Incontinence


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When men experience urine leakage, it’s called male incontinence. You may feel a strong urge to urinate before leakage occurs or have sudden leakage when you laugh or sneeze. It can keep you from activities you love because of the fear of leakage.

You don’t have to live with incontinence. Experts urologists at the Desai Sethi Urology Institute provide treatment to help you regain control over your bladder and return to activities you enjoy.


Behavioral Changes
Changes to your bathroom habits can help you control incontinence. Your doctor may recommend bladder training, where you urinate at specific intervals throughout the day to increase how much time you go between urinating, which can help improve your ability to control urine.

Physical Therapy
Pelvic floor exercises can strengthen the muscles that control urination. A physical therapist can help you learn how to improve muscle control to prevent leakage.

Medicines can help address some of the causes of incontinence, such as shrinking an enlarged prostate, suppressing nerve signals from the bladder, or keeping the bladder from contracting involuntarily.

Electrical Nerve Stimulation
This procedure uses mild electrical pulses to stimulate different nerves involved in urination. It can help block nerve signals that cause incontinence or help you strengthen your bladder control and pelvic floor muscles.

Bulking Agents
Bulking agents help shrink the opening of your bladder to reduce leakage. Your doctor injects the medicine into your urethra using a scope (a thin tube with a tiny lens). This outpatient procedure doesn’t require a hospital stay.

Artificial Urinary Sphincter (AUS)
An AUS is a device that helps prevent urine from leaking out of your bladder inadvertently. Your doctor implants the device using minimally invasive surgery.

Male Sling Surgery
Repositioning the urethra can sometimes help improve urinary control. During sling surgery, your doctor lifts your urethra up and holds it in place using a sling.


Digital Rectal Exam
Your urologist may use a digital rectal exam to examine your prostate. When the prostate is enlarged, it can cause urinary incontinence.

Your doctor may take a sample of your urine to examine in a lab to determine the cause of incontinence.

Urodynamic Testing
Urodynamic testing helps your doctor evaluate how well your bladder works.

Why Choose UHealth?

Innovative, expert urology care at the Desai Sethi Urology Institute. Our team of urology experts delivers advanced care for all urologic conditions. We use the latest research and the least invasive approaches to help you feel in control. Our experienced urologists design a personalized treatment plan to give you the best possible results.

Multidisciplinary approach to care. Your doctor works closely with specialists in radiology, physical therapy, and surgery to offer comprehensive treatment. You have a team of experts on your side.

Advanced research in men’s health. Our urologists are dedicated to men’s health and conduct innovative research into many conditions. Our expert team has helped develop new minimally invasive and robotic surgical procedures to treat cancers, incontinence, and more. We give you access to leading-edge treatments and clinical trials that aren’t widely available. In addition, we have established the eighth fellowship program in the nation dedicated solely to teaching physicians how to care for men’s health.