Our cardiovascular experts pioneer and advance the latest diagnostic and surgical procedures. From heart mapping and stroke prevention, to high tech imaging like the transesophageal echocardiogram (TEE), minimally invasive transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR), and our center for the management of advanced heart failure—we’re leading the way, and saving lives.
As an academic-based heart center, we offer patients a multispecialty approach to clinical innovation and problem-solving. Our team works collaboratively with experts from cardiac and thoracic surgery, vascular surgery, endocrinology, oncology, radiology, and neurology — among others. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and screening. We look forward to serving you.
HeartAware: Free on-line health risk assessments that may save your life
Over 80 million American adults (more than one in three) have cardiovascular disease (CVD). Nearly 2,300 Americans die of CVD every day — that’s one death every 38 seconds. This number can be significantly reduced through education and early detection.
Conditions and Treatments
- COVID-19 Heart Program
- Atherosclerosis / Coronary Artery Disease
- Atrial Fibrillation
- Cardiac Problems in Pregnancy
- Cardiomyopathy
- Cardiothoracic Surgery
- Heart Attack
- Heart Failure
- Heart Problems Made Worse by Other Conditions
- Heart Valve Problems
- High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)
- Integrative Medicine (Holistic Heart Health)
- PVD, DVT and Other Vascular Disorders in the Arms and Legs
- Pediatric Cardiology
- Stem Cell Therapy for Stroke Recovery
- Stroke Care
- Women and Heart Disease
Why Choose UHealth?
Ground-breaking and life-saving research to fight today's leading health concerns.
- COVID-19 – Several studies are underway to understand the long-term effects of the virus on the heart and evaluate residual virus symptoms. We are also participating in the American Heart Association’s COVID-19 registries, and investigating post-COVID-19 cardiac abnormalities in athletes.
- Atrial fibrillation – UHealth is the only institution that is funded by the NIH to conduct the LEAF study, investigating therapy to improve the outcomes of catheter ablation. Other NIH-funded studies focus on novel mapping and diagnostic approaches for atrial fibrillation.
- Coronary artery disease and heart attack – We are studying a temporary ventricular assist device during percutaneous coronary intervention and looking at STEMI care advancements and how they can improve outcomes in patients 65 and older.
- Diabetes – Our researchers are studying stem cell infusion therapy for endothelial dysfunction in people with diabetes.
- Heart failure – We are investigating innovative devices, such as a papillary muscle sling, the V-wave interatrial shunt, Carillon right heart transcatheter mitral valve repair (TMVR) device, and the Cordella pulmonary artery pressure sensor system.
Heart disease prevention programs. Our experts are committed to helping people in the earliest stages through a suite of prevention programs for heart attack, diabetic heart disease, risk for sudden cardiac death, and COVID-19. We are participating in the Million Hearts Initiative, a nationwide effort to prevent 1 million heart attacks and strokes within five years.
Unmatched outcomes for our interventional, electrophysiology, and surgical efforts. Our innovative procedures and expertise make UHealth one of the busiest centers in the state, with the lowest morbidity and mortality, as well as the shortest length of stay.
Multidisciplinary care by recognized specialists in their field. In complex cases, heart disease care may require the services of a cardiothoracic surgeon, an interventional cardiologist, a lung specialist, a diabetes specialist and a geneticist. Your doctors talk to each other and make sure all specialties involved in your care are on board with a unified treatment plan.
Special Centers of Excellence. Combining the best of long-term and up-to-date expertise with leading edge research to personalize care to you:
- Center for Advanced Heart Failure
- Center for Heart Disease Prevention
- Atrial Fibrillation Center
- Center for Valvular Heart Disease
- Center for Congenital Heart Disease in Children and Adults
- Center for Stem Cell Research
- Pacemaker and Defibrillator Center
- Center for Diabetes and Heart Disease
- Center for Women’s Heart Disease
When both research and expert clinical practice come together, you know you have the most up-to-date treatment possible for your specific condition, delivered in a setting in which all the different experts needed for comprehensive treatment come together.
Personalized recommendations. Whether you have a familial predisposition to high cholesterol or other forms of heart disease, or just want to stay healthy long-term, we keep your goals in mind when developing your screening and treatment schedules.
Innovative technology, therapies, and diagnostics. Clinical innovation is critical to our growth and development — and to enhancing care for our patients. It includes simple solutions, such as considering new ways to implement routine practices or using existing therapies in a novel way.
Cardiac screening and rehabilitation. Besides screening athletes for participation in sport programs, we monitor risk factors and devise recovery programs for cardiac disease or events. If you have experienced a heart attack or undergone heart surgery, we coordinate your cardiac rehabilitation to return you to a safe level of functioning. If you have undetected risk factors, we can identify those and keep an eye on your progress.
Questions? We're here to help.
Our appointment specialists are ready to help you find what you need. Contact us today.