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Dysplasia Clinic at Sylvester


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Pre-invasive ano-genital disease (also known as dysplasia) is common and can affect the cervix, vagina, vulva, and anus. When appropriately treated, cancer of these sites may be prevented. The link between infection with human papilloma virus (HPV) and these conditions has been well established. Most women diagnosed with dysplasia of the cervix have had an abnormal cervical Pap test. And most men and women with dysplasia of the anus have an abnormal anal Pap test.

The Dysplasia Clinic at the Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center offers diagnosis and treatment for pre-invasive diseases of the lower genital tract, as well as screening and treatment of anal dysplasia in men and women.

Clinical services are available to any woman diagnosed with cervical, vaginal, or vulvar dysplasia. Any woman with an abnormal cervical Pap smear may also be eligible for evaluation. Clinical services are also available for the screening and treatment of anal dysplasia in men and women.

About the Dysplasia Program
Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center Division of Gynecologic Oncology provides efficient and specialized care of women with genital dysplasia and men and women at risk for or with anal dysplasia through the Dysplasia Program.

We offer a variety of services, including:

  • Timely, efficient care for all women with abnormal cervical Pap tests and men and women at risk for or with anal dysplasia
  • Evaluation, treatment and management of cervical, vaginal, vulvar, and anal dysplasia.
  • Provide HPV and dysplasia counseling.



Colposcopy is usually done as a follow-up exam to help find the cause of an abnormal Pap test. Colposcopy is a procedure that gives a magnified view of the cervix and/or vagina using a lighted microscope called a colposcope and identifies areas that may need to be biopsied. Similar to a Pap test, it is a very safe procedure. It usually takes less than 10 minutes, and most women have only minor discomfort.

High-Resolution Anoscopy
High-resolution anoscopy (HRA) is a colposcopy of the anal canal. The procedure allows for a magnified examination and evaluation of the anal canal. Abnormal areas can be identified, and if indicated, a biopsy can be obtained. The procedure is performed in the office and generally, lasts about 20 minutes. Afterward, you can go right back to your routine activities. It is usually well tolerated with mild if any discomfort. Significant risks such as bleeding or infection are extremely rare. Note that high-resolution anoscopy is very different from colonoscopy or flexible sigmoidoscopy, neither of which can adequately examine the anal canal for the problems being detected by HRA. No bowel prep is needed for this examination.

Why Choose Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center?

One of only 71 NCI-designated cancer centers in the United States. Sylvester is one of only two cancer centers in Florida that have been recognized by the National Cancer Institute. The team earned this distinction through its outstanding work conducting research in its laboratories, treating patients in its clinics and hospitals, and reaching out to medically underserved communities with innovative prevention strategies.

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