Approximately one-third of brain tumors start in glial cells. Most of the brain is composed of glial cells, not neurons. Glial cells act as supportive tissue in the brain. They also play a big part in brain cell communication.
When glial cells become abnormal or stop working, this type of cancer is called a glioblastoma. Glioblastomas are usually highly malignant (cancerous) but rarely spread in the body. These cancers often occur in the cerebral hemispheres of the brain, but they can grow anywhere in the brain or spinal cord.
Types of Glioblastomas:
- Astrocytic Tumors: These tumors begin in brain cells called astrocytes. Astrocytes help keep nerve cells healthy. Astrocytomas are the most common childhood brain cancer. Types of astrocytic tumors include brain stem glioma, pineal astrocytic tumors, pilocytic astrocytoma, diffuse astrocytoma and anaplastic astrocytoma.
- Oligodendroglial Tumors: An oligodendroglial tumor begins in brain cells that make the fatty substances that protect nerves in our brain and central nervous system. Types of these tumors include oligodendroglioma and anaplastic oligodendroglioma.
- Mixed Gliomas: A mixed glioma, or oligoastrocytoma, is a brain tumor that has two types of tumor cells in it: oligodendrocytes and astrocytes. Oligoastrocytoma and anaplastic oligoastrocytoma are other names for these tumors.
- Ependymal Tumors: These tumors are also called ependymomas. They begin in cells that line the spinal cord's central canal. They can also start in fluid-filled spaces of the brain called ventricles.
Why Choose Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center?
Sylvester is an NCI-designated cancer center. The National Cancer Institute has recognized Sylvester for its outstanding work conducting research in its laboratories, treating patients in its clinics and hospitals, and reaching out to medically underserved communities with innovative prevention strategies.
Gamma Knife Radiosurgery for inoperable brain tumors. Small tumors can be destroyed using this innovative technology if surgery is not recommended.
More options for treatment-resistant tumors. If chemotherapy or radiation therapy do not work for your cancer, we will explore the newest clinical research breakthroughs to help you beat cancer.
More cancer clinical trials than any other South Florida hospital. If appropriate for your cancer and stage, our clinical trials provide you with the very newest ways to treat and potentially cure your cancer.
The only designated Cancer Center of Excellence in South Florida. The likelihood of surviving cancer five years after treatment from a Dedicated Cancer Center is 17 percent higher than at other hospitals.