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Pain and Palliative Care for Cancer Patients

Having cancer does not always mean you will have pain. However, if you do experience pain related to your cancer or treatment, the pain management and palliative care specialists at Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center can help provide relief. We offer many proven, safe treatment options to help relieve your pain and restore your quality of life.

Pain is your body’s way of telling you that something is wrong. Therefore, you should tell your health care provider when you’re experiencing pain or any changes to ongoing pain. You should also let your doctor know whether pain treatments are working, in case they need to make adjustments to your medication dosages. Controlling your pain is the goal of our comprehensive treatment approach.

Palliative care is specialized medical care to improve quality of life for anyone living with a serious illness, including cancer. It’s appropriate for people of all ages and at any stage of illness. Palliative care focuses on providing you with relief from the symptoms, pain, and stresses of a health condition — whatever your diagnosis or prognosis. Our team works together with your other providers to improve your well-being as you go through treatment.

Holistic Care That Addresses Body, Mind, and Soul

Our multidisciplinary pain and palliative program addresses all aspects of pain management, during diagnosis, assessment, and throughout treatment. We offer several invasive and non-invasive therapies, as well as complementary therapies, such as stress management and acupuncture. Our pain management team includes doctors who are expertly trained and highly experienced in pain management medicine.

By focusing on your physical, emotional, and spiritual needs, palliative care aims to decrease your pain and improve quality of life for you and your family. Palliative care can be appropriate at any stage of illness, for any diagnosis.

For more information about pain services of for an appointment with a member of our pain management team, call 305-243-8500 or 1-888-4UM-NOPAIN.

Cancer Support Services

Contact us today to learn more or request an appointment.